Saturday, September 12, 2009

FaceWhat!? MyWho?! : a bit of reasoning for the prospective employer/client

As of today I've gone on a multitude of job interviews, over the phone, online, and of course in person, and all of those positions I qualified for, problem is, I refused to give them my facebook page. and I even laughed in a recruiters face and walked out when they insisted upon seeing my myspace page . Not that I have anything to hide, but I felt as though these people bypassed my experience and based my qualifications on the number of drunk pictures and wild status updates.
So I'll say this . To any potential employers, clients, anybody along those lines; I would perfer it if we kept it business. my facebook page, and any other social networking connections or website memberships are mine. If you use those against me then what does that say about you and your integrity? when im working and representing the company or the client, I'm working. when im myself, I'm myself, and furthermore, be easy, if you really want to see that, then take the time and make friends with me. Im a great guy , im talented and creative, and you dont need my facebook to know that. I'm here, I'm live, and the way my daddy raised me, Face to Face is better than a direct message.